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Namespace: dom


dom.js is part of Aloha Editor project http://www.alohaeditor.org

Aloha Editor ● JavaScript Content Editing Library
Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Gentics Software GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
Contributors http://www.alohaeditor.org/docs/contributing.html


NodesObject.<string, number>

Numeric codes that represent the type of DOM interface node types.
Name Type Default Description
ELEMENT Object.<string, number> 1
ATTR Object.<string, number> 2
TEXT Object.<string, number> 3
CDATA_SECTION Object.<string, number> 4
ENTITY_REFERENCE Object.<string, number> 5
ENTITY Object.<string, number> 6
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION Object.<string, number> 7
COMMENT Object.<string, number> 8
DOCUMENT Object.<string, number> 9
DOCUMENTTYPE Object.<string, number> 10
DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT Object.<string, number> 11
NOTATION Object.<string, number> 12



Calculates the absolute left position
of an element
Name Type Description
element Element


Calculates the absolute top position
of an element
Name Type Description
element Element

addClass(elem, className)

Adds one or more classes to current classes of the given Element.
Name Type Description
elem Element
className string repeatable

append(node, destination)

Insert node at end of destination.
Name Type Description
node Node
destination Element

attrs(elem){Map.<string, string>}

Gets the attributes of the given element.

Correctly handles the case that IE7 and IE8 have approx 70-90
default attributes on each and every element.

Attribute values will always be strings, but possibly empty Strings.
Name Type Description
elem Element


Given a node, will return the node that preceeds it in the document

This backwards depth-first in-order traversal:

For example, if this function is called recursively, starting from the
DIV root node in the DOM tree below:


backward() will return nodes in the following order:

"five", "four", "three", <i>, <u>, "two", <b>, "one"

/ | \
/ | \
one <b> five
/ | \
/ | \
two <u> four
Name Type Description
node Node

childAndParentsUntil(node, pred){Array.<Node>}

Collects all ancestors of the given node until the first ancestor that
causes the given predicate function to return true.
Name Type Description
node Node
pred function Predicate function which will receive nodes as they are traversed. This function returns `true`, it will terminate the traversal.
set of parent element of the given node.

childAndParentsUntilIncl(node, pred){Array.<Node>}

Collects the given node, and all its ancestors until the first ancestor
that causes the given predicate function to return true.
Name Type Description
node Node
pred function Predicate function which will receive nodes as they are traversed. This function returns `true`, it will terminate the traversal.
set of parent element of the given node.

childAndParentsUntilInclNode(node, untilInclNode){Array.<Node>}

Collects the given node, and all its ancestors until `untilInclNode` is
Name Type Description
node Node
untilInclNode Node Terminal ancestor. Will be included in results.
set of parent element of the given node.

childAndParentsUntilNode(node, untilNode){Array.<Node>}

Collects all ancestors of the given node until `untilNode` is reached.
Name Type Description
node Node
untilNode Node Terminal ancestor.
set of parent element of the given node.


Returns a non-live array of all child nodes belonging to `elem`.
Name Type Description
elem Element

climbUntil(node, func, until, arg)

Climbs up the given node's ancestors until the predicate until() returns
true. Starting with the given node, applies func() to each node in the
Name Type Description
node Node
func function
until function
arg * A value that will be passed to `func()` as the second argument.

clone(node, deeply){Node}

Returns a deep clone of the given node.
Name Type Description
node Node
deeply boolean Whether or not to do a deep clone


Returns a shallow clone of the given node.
Name Type Description
node Node

contains(a, b){boolean}

Returns `true` if node `b` is a descendant of node `a`, `false`
Name Type Description
a Node
b Node

copy(nodes, destination, until){Array.<Nodes>}

Copies the list of nodes into a destination element, until `until`
returns true.
Name Type Description
nodes Array.<Nodes>
destination Element
until function
nodes that were not copied


Gets the window to which the given document belongs.
Name Type Description
doc Document


Finds the nearest editable ancestor of the given node.
Name Type Description
node Node


Gets the given node's editing host.
Name Type Description
node Node

equals(node, other){boolean}

Checks whether two nodes are equal.
Name Type Description
node Node
other Node

findBackward(node, match, until){Node}

Finds the first DOM object, behind the given node which matches the
predicate `match`. If `until` returns true the given node, for any other
node during traversal, null is returned.
Name Type Description
node Node
match function
until function

findForward(node, match, until){Node}

Finds the first DOM object, ahead of the given node which matches the
predicate `match` but before `until` returns true for any node that is
traversed during the search, in which case null is returned.
Name Type Description
node Node
match function
until function

followedBy(node, other){boolean}

Checks whether node `other` comes after `node` in the document order.
Name Type Description
node Node
other Node


Given a node, will return the node that succeeds it in the document order.

For example, if this function is called recursively, starting from the
DIV root node in the following DOM tree:


forward() will return nodes in the following order:

"one" <b>, "two", <u>, <i>, "three", "four", "five"

This is depth-first pre-order traversal:

/ | \
/ | \
one <b> five
/ | \
/ | \
two <u> four
Name Type Description
node Node
This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.

getComputedStyle(elem, name){string}

Gets the computed/inherited style of the given node.
Name Type Description
elem Element
name string Style property name.
style, or `null` if no such style is set

getComputedStyles(elem, names){Object.<string, string>}

Gets a style from the given element's style attribute.
Note that this is different from the computed/inherited style.

The return value will be an object of computed style values mapped
agains their name.
Name Type Description
elem Element
names Array.<string>

getStyle(elem, name){string}

Gets a style from the given element's style attribute.
Note that this is different from the computed/inherited style.
Name Type Description
elem Element
name string Style property
value or null if none is found


Checks whether or not the given node contains one or more
attributes non-empty attributes.
Name Type Description
node Node


Checks is `element` has children
Name Type Description
element Element

hasClass(node, value){boolean}

Checks whether the given node has the specified class.
Name Type Description
node Node
value string


Checks the givne element has any textContent.
Name Type Description
element Element

insert(node, ref, atEnd)

Inserts the given node before `ref`, unless `atEnd` is true, in which
case `node` is inserted at the end of `ref` children nodes.
Name Type Description
node Node
ref Node
atEnd boolean

insertAfter(node, ref)

Inserts the given node after `ref`.
Name Type Description
node Node
ref Node


Check if the given node's contentEditable attribute is `true`.
Name Type Description
node Element


Checks whether the given element is editable.

An element with the class "aloha-editable" is considered editable.
Name Type Description
node Node


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


Checks whether the given node is content editable. An editing host is a
node that is either an Element with a contenteditable attribute set to
the true state, or the Element child of a Document whose designMode is

An element with the class "aloha-editable" is considered an editing host.
Name Type Description
node Node
if `node` is content editable.


Checks whether the given node is an Element.
Name Type Description
node Node


Checks whether the given node is an empty text node, conveniently.
Name Type Description
node Node


Checks whether the given node is an document fragment element.
Name Type Description
node Node

isSameNode(node1, node2){boolean}

Checks is `node1` is the same as `node2`.
Name Type Description
node1 Node
node2 Node


Returns `true` if `node` is a text node.
Name Type Description
node Node

merge(left, right)

Merges all contents of `right` into `left` by appending them to the end
of `left`, and then removing `right`.

Will not merge text nodes since this would require that ranges be
Name Type Description
left Node
right Node

move(nodes, destination, until){Array.<Nodes>}

Moves the list of nodes into the end of destination element, until
`until` returns true.
Name Type Description
nodes Array.<Nodes>
destination Element
until function
nodes that were not moved

moveAfter(nodes, reference, until){Array.<Nodes>}

Moves the list of nodes after the reference element, until `until`
returns true.
Name Type Description
nodes Array.<Nodes>
reference Element
until function
nodes that were not moved

moveBefore(nodes, reference, until){Array.<Nodes>}

Moves the list of nodes before the reference element, until `until`
returns true.
Name Type Description
nodes Array.<Nodes>
reference Element
until function
nodes that were not moved

moveNextAll(parent, first, reference)

Like insertBefore, inserts node `first` into `parent` before
`reference`, except that it also inserts all the following siblings of
Name Type Description
parent Element
first Node
reference Node

nextNonAncestor(start, previous, match, until){Node}

Returns the nearest node (in the document order) to the given node that
is not an ancestor.
Name Type Description
start Node
previous boolean If true, will look for the nearest preceding node, otherwise the nearest subsequent node.
match function
until function (Optional) Predicate, which will be applied to each node in the traversal step. If this function returns true, traversal will terminal and will return null.


Returns the given node's next sibling.
Name Type Description
node Node

nextSiblings(node, until){Array.<Node>}

Returns a non-live list of the given node's subsequent siblings until the
predicate returns true. The node one which `until` terminates is not
Name Type Description
node Node
until function

nextUntil(node, func, until, arg)

Applies the given function `func()`, to the the given node `node` and
it's next siblings, until the given `until()` function retuns `true` or
all next siblings have been walked.
Name Type Description
node Node
func function Callback function to apply to the traversed nodes. Will receive the each node as the first argument, and the value of `arg` as the second argument.
until function Predicate function to test each traversed nodes. Walking will be terminated when this function returns `true`. Will receive the each node as the first argument, and the value of `arg` as the second argument.
arg * A value that will be passed to `func()` as the second argument.

nextWhile(node, cond, arg){Node}

Starting from the given node and moving forward, traverses the set of
`node`'s sibiling nodes until either the predicate `cond` returns false
or the last sibling of `node`'s parent element is reached.
Name Type Description
node Node
cond function
arg * Optional arbitrary value that will be passed to `cond()`

nodeAndNextSiblings(node, until){Array.<Node>}

Returns a non-live list of any of the given node and it's subsequent
siblings until the predicate returns true. The node one which `until`
terminates is not included.
Name Type Description
node Node
until function

nodeAndPrevSiblings(node, until){Array.<Node>}

Returns a non-live list of any of the given node and it's preceeding
siblings until the predicate returns true. The node one which `until`
terminates is not included.
Name Type Description
node Node
until function


This function is missing documentation.
Name Type Description
node if a text node, should have a parent node.
  • Complete documentation.


Calculates the positional index of the given node inside of its parent
Name Type Description
node Node
zero-based index of the given node's position.


Determines the length of the given DOM node.
Name Type Description
node Node
of the given node.


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.

nthChild(elem, offset){Element}

Get the nth (zero based) child of the given element.

NB elem.childNodes.length is unreliable because "IE up to 8 does not count
empty text nodes." (http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_core.html)
Name Type Description
elem Element
offset number Offset of the child to return.
child node at the given offset.


Calculates the number of child nodes contained in the given DOM element.

NB elem.childNodes.length is unreliable because "IE up to 8 does not count
empty text nodes." (http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_core.html)
Name Type Description
elem Element
of children contained in the given node.

offset(node){Object.<string, number>}

Calculates the offset of the given node inside the document.
Name Type Description
node Node


Retrieve the HTML of the entire given node.
This is equivalent as outerHTML for element nodes.
This function is an alternative for outerHTML with for document
Name Type Description
node Node

parentsUntil(node, pred){Array.<Node>}

Traverses up the given node's ancestors, collecting all parent nodes,
until the given predicate returns true.
Name Type Description
node Node
pred function Predicate function which will receive nodes as they are traversed. This function returns `true`, it will terminate the traversal.
set of parent elements of the given node.

parentsUntilIncl(node, pred){Array.<Node>}

Starting with the given node, traverses up the given node's ancestors,
collecting each parent node, until the first ancestor that causes the
given predicate function to return true. The given node is *not* passed
to the predicate (@see childAndParents).
Name Type Description
node Node
pred function Predicate function which will receive nodes as they are traversed. This function returns `true`, it will terminate the traversal.
set of parent element of the given node.


Returns the given node's previous sibling.
Name Type Description
node Node

prevSiblings(node, until){Array.<Node>}

Returns a non-live list of the given node's preceeding siblings until the
predicate returns true. The node one which `until` terminates is not
Name Type Description
node Node
until function
Like nextUntil() but in reverse.

prevWhile(node, cond, arg){Node}

Starting from the given node and moving backwards, traverses the set of
`node`'s sibilings until either the predicate `cond` returns false or we
reach the last sibling of `node`'s parent element.
Name Type Description
node Node
cond function
arg * Optional arbitrary value that will be passed to the `cond()` predicate.

query(selector, context){Array.<Node>}

Executes a query selection (-all) in the given context and returns a
non-live list of results.
Name Type Description
selector string
context Element


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


Detaches the given node.
Name Type Description
node Node


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.


Removes all attributes from `element`.
Name Type Description
element Element


Removes all children from `node`.
Name Type Description
node Node

removeClass(elem, className)

Removes one or more class names from the given element's
Name Type Description
elem Element
className string repeatable


Removes the given node while keeping it's content intact.
Name Type Description
node Node

removeStyle(elem, styleName)

Removes the given style property from the given DOM element.

The style attribute is removed completely if it is left empty
after removing the style.
Name Type Description
elem Element
styleName string

replace(node, replacement){Node}

Replaces the given node with `replacement`.
Name Type Description
node Node
replacement Node

replaceShallow(element, replacement){Element}

Replaces the given element while preserving its contents.

This function facilitates re-wrapping of contents from one element to

The element that replaces `element` will receive all of the given
element's content.
Name Type Description
element Element
replacement Element


Returns scroll position from left.
Name Type Description
doc Document


Returns scroll position from top.
Name Type Description
doc Document
This function is missing documentation.
  • Complete documentation.

setAttrNS(elem, ns, name, value)

NB: Internet Explorer supports the setAttributeNS method from
version 9, but only for HTML documents, not for XML documents.
Name Type Description
elem Element
ns string
name string
value string

setStyle(elem, name){string}

Sets a style on the given element by modifying its style attribute.
Name Type Description
elem Element
name string Style property
Style property value

stepNextUntil(node, step, next, cond, arg){Node}

Steps through the node tree acording to `step` and `next` until the
given condition is true.
Name Type Description
node Node
step function
next function
cond function
arg *


Gets the textContent from a node.
Name Type Description
node Node

upWhile(node, cond){Node}

Traverse up node's ancestor chain while the given condition is true.
Name Type Description
node Node
cond function

walk(node, fn, arg)

Applies the given function `func()`, to the the given node `node` and all
it's next siblings.
Name Type Description
node Node
fn function Callback function to apply to the traversed nodes. Will receive the each node as the first argument, and the value of `arg` as the second argument.
arg * A value that will be passed to `func()` as the second argument.

walkRec(node, func){*}

Depth-first postwalk of the given DOM node.
Name Type Description
node Node
func function

walkUntilNode(node, fn, untilNode, arg)

Applies the given function `func()`, to the the given node `node` and
it's next siblings, until `untilNode` is encountered or the last sibling
is reached.
Name Type Description
node Node
fn function Callback function to apply to the traversed nodes. Will receive the each node as the first argument, and the value of `arg` as the second argument.
untilNode Node Terminal node.
arg * A value that will be passed to `func()` as the second argument.

wrap(node, wrapper)

Wraps `node` in given `wrapper` element.
Name Type Description
node Node
wrapper Element

wrapWith(node, nodeName){Element}

Wrap the node with a `nodeName` element.
Name Type Description
node Element
nodeName string
wrapper element
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